Two blogs in a row now I will be starting on a somber note. Earlier this week, I was informed that my best friends’ sister passed away. She was 34, married, and had two children. It pains me to know my friend is going through something like this at a time that should be filled with nothing but wonderment (he’s expecting his first child with his wife in early September). I know words are never enough, but I wish I could offer the right words to help him get through this difficult time in his life. Him and the rest of his family. It doesn’t seem right, or fair, to be going on with my life as if nothing has happened. But, moving forward is all you can ever do when you lose someone, as difficult as that may seem. I ask that you send any thoughts and prayers my friends’ way. I know most all of you don’t know him, but God knows him, so it will get to him. God rest another soul.
Author Archives: Reality Steve
BIG BROTHER – 7/23/12
As a human being, I felt it appropriate to spend the opening of my blog acknowledging the friends and families of those affected by the shootings in Aurora, Colorado last week. Every time something like this happens, we all come together as a community, and then we forget. I am hoping one day we never forget. This was an unbelievably terrible tragedy that I can’t even wrap my thoughts around. I want to say something profound and meaningful, but what exactly is there to say? Expressing sorrow and grief is all I can offer to anyone in that theater, and outside that knew someone inside. God rest the souls that were forever left behind.
I hate to start the blog on that type of note and then get into the silliness that is my writing, but I wanted to put that first so that everyone would read it. I have a job to do for all of you, so here goes nothing.
Well, well, well, it would appear one of two things are taking place. … Continue reading
BIG BROTHER – 7/20/12
I always feel awkward starting off my blog by going right into my recap, but I don’t really have any funny stories to tell right now, so I guess I really have no choice, right? I think more people need to email me questions and maybe I can start off my blogs by answering your questions (non-game or game-related, I don’t care).
Anyway, the show starts off by showing us more of Willie’s speech at the Nomination Ceremony, telling us that he feels bad about nominating who he nominated, but every week someone’s got to go up! And, Boogie puts on a straight face and tries to act tough by telling us that he’s not one to be lied to and Willie made a huge mistake! I’m crapping my pants as I type this. Well, literally, I am crapping my pants, but that’s only because I had some coffee. Not because Mike Boogie scared the doo-doo bird out of me!!
Oh great, Dan yells his lines into the camera, again! Seriously, does anybody else not … Continue reading